www.vdl.lu www.ost.luwww.bmw.lu - Garage Arnold Kontzwww.mousel.luwww.raiffeisen.luwww.aral.luwww.coca-cola.be

Program of the day

Image: ACC Contern

10H00 - 13H00: The circuit is open for practice to everyone

13H00 - 14H00: Sponsors Cup, team time trial (5 km)

14H10 - 14H45: "Inline-skating" race (35 minutes + 1 lap)

15H00 - 15H15: Presentation of the riders by Daniel Mangeas and Félix Eischen

15H15 - 17H15: Gala Tour de France 100 laps of 950 m (95 km)

17H15 - 17H30: Victory ceremony

17H30 - 20H00: 2nd Luxembourg City Inline Skate Event open to everyone


Images: ACC Contern

And also: humanitary action for the burkina faso: collection of bycicles, clothes, shoes, toys or scholar material; this action is supported by Michel Bationo, the official "ardoisier" of the Tour de France and a teacher in Burkina Faso
